Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 25 - A picture of your day.

Today was a mixture of chill and productive-ish. :)) Our classes were suspended today due to the storm, so I had to stay home ALL DAAAAY! :)) Run down of things I did today, Watched PLL, studied for some of the quizzes tom., studied for the UPCAT, played with my dog, blogged, watch Keeping up with the Kardashians and...sleep. :) hahaha! I SUPER LOOOVE THE TEMP. OF MY ROOM TODAY. I hope it stays longerrrr. :( :)) (Not the storm, okay. Just the temp. of my room. :D)

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could do again.

I know this is a PHOTO challenge and it requires a PHOTO for every post. But this "something" I'd wish I could do again doesn't have any pictures. :)) ahaha. Yesss. It's actually a secret "something" so I won't elaborate on it much. :) haha.
I MISS B125, S125 and THE WEEKEND <3 ;)

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.

I JUST LOVE THIS BOOK! Although I wasn't able to finish this in one seating, it was the book that kept me reading on and on. (Other than twilight, of course). This book really enhanced my imagination and my interest for the 1800's era with all the dukes and other british stuff. :) Plus, the leading guy in this book is sooo @-) @-) @-) ;;)