Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.

:O haha. This was me when I was...a year old or maybe months old. :))
I know, I know. I'm such an adorable bebeh! ;) haha.

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.

I'll be honest about this matter.
I'm actually happy with who I am, and what God has given me! :) I don't mind being weird, lazy or WEIRD. :)) As long as I know that I can still get back up after a down fall, I know I'm gonna be alright. :) I'm also not particular with people's looks. Most especially, with the way I look. I believe that God gave each and everyone of us our own beauty in order for us to shine in our own way. :) If we imitate others looks then we just make them shine MORE than we should make ourselves shine, right?! :)
So, I won't have any picture of this challenge. because I really DO NOT HAVE ANY INSECURITIES ABOUT ME OR ANYTHING FOR THAT MATTER :)
'coz I know that I'm amazing, just the way I am. ;) hihi

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

COLLEGE. Actually, the thought of going to college next year is what made a huge impact on me. Because of college, I'm starting to have my mind set on things that are more important like college. Here's a picture of my NUMERO UNO DREAM SCHOOL <3 UOP, or the University of the Pacific. ;)